For more information on the ERO’s role in renewable energy development access the A-Z Guide.
Energy Regulatory Office (ERO)
The Energy Regulatory Office in Republic of Kosovo was established in 2004 as an independent regulatory body. Its main function is to regulate activities in the energy sector in Kosovo including electricity, district heating, and gas, in accordance with the obligations arising from the Energy Community Treaty.
ERO’s authority includes the issuance of licenses and monitoring whether these licenses are respected by energy companies, approving the tariffs for activities of public services, imposing obligations on the public supply, providing dispute resolution, and drafting secondary legislation for the energy sector.
The ERO is also responsible for creating the regulatory framework, which ensures transparent and non-discriminatory operation of the energy market based on the principles of the free market. It implements transparent and open criteria for granting licenses to energy enterprises including the authority to grant,modify, suspend, transfer, withdraw, supervise, and control whether energy enterprises comply with their received licenses and obligations.

- The ERO also has the competences to set in prior the principles and methods of determining the prices and later to approve tariffs for regulated energy services.
- The ERO has been established as an independent authority and is operating on the basis of detailed primary and secondary energy legislation. The ERO conducts economic regulation of the sector, and its Board reports to the Kosovo Parliament.
- The ERO issues licenses for the following operations: electricity generation, transmission system operator, electricity distribution system operator, market operator, public electricity supply, electricity import and export, district heating production, district heating distribution, district heating public supply, and cogeneration of electricity and heat.