Energy Strategy


The Government of Kosovo’s draft Energy Strategy prioritizes an ambitious vision for a just energy transition for the country between 2022-31.

The Government of Kosovo envisions using market-based solutions, in the form of competitive auctions, to deliver new, renewable energy at affordable prices. It plans to carry out the first solar auction in 2023 followed by regular auctions on both technologies to demonstrate our green agenda commitment and to encourage private sector investment to help develop our renewable energy resources.

Through this strategy, Kosovo is taking a leadership role that will result in a modern, reliable, and affordable electricity service for its citizens: one that promotes a meaningful climate change agenda and protects livelihoods as part of an evolution to a sustainable energy future.

The new strategy is designed to enable the Kosovo energy sector to serve as a vehicle for the country’s economic growth and increased business and employment opportunities.

This strategy is significant in that it:

  1. Moves beyond the possibility of building any new lignite capacities
  2. Introduces carbon pricing in keeping with the EU mandates
  3. Foresees an ambitious deployment of renewable energy sources, specifically wind and solar PV

The strategy’s approach balances energy security and affordability of electricity supply for customers while ensuring Kosovo’s long-term commitment to decarbonization.

Addressing climate change is a top priority for Kosovo as part of the government’s renewed and strengthened commitment to building climate resilience.

The Energy Strategy promotes the expansion of renewable energy sources including prosumers, energy efficiency improvements, an effective demand side response, and increased international cooperation to help achieve a cleaner, economically viable energy roadmap.

A top priority is to attract private investors and ensure that fair competition will allow the country to select the most cost-effective proposals for clean and renewable energy generators for electricity.